是否为空字符 static boolean isEmpty(CharSequence str)
拆分字符串 public static String[] split (String text, String expression) ,Android开发网提示大家仔细看例子如下 String.split() returns [''] when the string to be split is empty. This returns []. This does not remove any empty strings from the result. For example split("a,", "," ) returns {"a", ""}.
拆分字符串使用正则 public static String[] split (String text, Pattern pattern)
确定大小写是否有效在当前位置的文本TextUtils.getCapsMode(CharSequence cs, int off, int reqModes)
使用HTML编码这个字符串 static String TextUtils.htmlEncode(String s)
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(spUtil.getUserId())) { Intent intent = new Intent(WelcomeActivity.this, MainActivity.class); startActivity(intent); } else { startActivity(new Intent(WelcomeActivity.this, FirstSetActivity.class)); }